Fabian Weller

Technology Developer

About Me

Picture of me

Hello, I'm Fabian Weller, a passionate IT specialist with a great interest in science and technology. For as long as I can remember, I've been captivated by the possibilities of electrical circuits.

I thrive on solving technical problems and creating innovative solutions. My extensive experience spans microcontrollers, network technologies, and robotics, primarily based on Linux. I’m a staunch advocate for open-source software and love working within the Linux ecosystem. My solid understanding of electrical engineering makes working with motors and other hardware components a joy. Having successfully completed my training as an IT specialist in application development, I’ve gained a deep knowledge of sound engineering, professional audio editing, and digital audio processing. My journey even led me to 3D animation, where I had the opportunity to work for the German Children’s Channel (KiKA). I love diving into new topics, especially in real-time applications—probably influenced by my musical background. Real-time protocols like WebSockets, ZeroMQ, or the good old UART never cease to fascinate me. I’m also thrilled by the latest trends in AI and the incredible new possibilities they bring, such as fine-tuning, working with local models, and exploring the concept of “Agents.” Quantum physics and astrophysics are my leisure-time obsessions. If I’d been a bit more careful while tinkering as a kid in the ‘80s and hadn’t received so many electric shocks, I’d probably understand quantum physics better today. :-) But hey, you can’t have everything!

Feel free to reach out for a detailed resume or to explore potential opportunities for collaboration!


  • CLI-based Linux System Administration
  • Object-oriented programming in Java, C++, Arduino Framework
    (might be a bit rusty, as I'm currently only working with Python)
  • Python Programming and shell script automations (informally trained)
  • MySQL Database Management/Java (certified by the University of Hanau)
  • Microcontroller Development (ESP32 programming, soldering, etc.)
  • Linux-based Network and Server Technologies
  • MCU-based RT-Network Technologies (like ESP-NOW)
  • Experience with various concepts in Robotics (informally trained)
  • Extensive experience with IoT technologies (Raspberry Pi, MCUs, Sensors, and Actuators)
  • Web Development (Basics, as you can see on this webpage and some other small projects)
  • CLI Docker-Compose Management
  • OpenCV/Computer Vision concepts
  • Professional Video Editing and Compositing
  • Professional Audio Editing/Mixing/Mastering
  • DAW Audio Software
  • Digital Audio Processing by Code
  • 3D Modeling (integrated with real-world systems via Blender-Python-API)
  • Experience with various Real-Time Protocols/Concepts
  • AI and Machine Learning concepts (currently informally learning)
  • Electrical Engineering (informally trained)
  • Member of the Apple Developer Program