Fabian Weller

Technology Developer

Apple Watch Navigator App

Apple Watch: iOS Navigator App for Sailing Regattas

Recently, a good friend of mine, Sören Deckenhoff, expressed frustration about the lack of a comprehensive app for his watch that simultaneously displays a compass, current speed in knots, and a stopwatch. The need to switch between different apps during a dinghy regatta, where milliseconds can often determine the outcome, was particularly problematic. Moreover, he found existing sailing apps to be overly cluttered and unnecessarily complicated. This presented an ideal opportunity for me to develop my first iOS app using Swift.

Project Objectives

The main goal of this project was to create an app that is as simple and clear as possible, incorporating all necessary functions for a sailing regatta without superfluous features. The app is currently in the testing phase, with Sören Deckenhoff and some of his sailing companions providing valuable feedback. If it proves to be stable and practical, I plan to publish the app on the iOS App Store.