Fabian Weller

Technology Developer

Transport Robot

Order Management for a Transport Robot - Final Examination Project

Tech Stack:
Linux Ubuntu-Server, Docker-Compose, Php, My Sql, Html, Css, ssh, PhP_MyAdmin

This project, titled "Order Management for a Transport Robot," was developed as part of the final examination for the IT specialist in application development program. The goal is to create a digital solution that automates the manual transport of documents and other items within a company.

Project Description

The project involves developing a web interface, a corresponding database, and bidirectional communication between a stationary database server and the mobile control unit of a transport robot, referred to as "Rover." This solution allows users to efficiently enter task goals for the Rover through a web interface, store them in the database, and transmit them to the Rover. The Rover can autonomously report its location and status back to the database, enabling continuous monitoring and control of the transport process.

Hardware Components


  • Web Interface: Allows users to send orders to the Rover, enter transport destinations, and authenticate users to ensure only authorized personnel can place orders.
  • Database: Stores all orders, user data, and status information of the Rover using a MySQL database designed for fast data retrieval and ensuring data integrity and security.
  • Bidirectional Communication: Interface between the Rover's control unit and the database server for real-time status updates and order data transmission.
  • Frontend: Developed with HTML and CSS for a user-friendly and responsive interface.
  • Backend: PHP is used for backend logic, data processing, and communication with the database.
  • Network: A secure network infrastructure ensures uninterrupted communication between all components.
  • Docker: Application components are hosted in Docker containers to enhance scalability and portability.

Hardware Components

Project Goals

The primary goal of this project is to automate the internal transport of documents and other materials within a company through the development and implementation of a controlled transport robot, called "Rover." This initiative also serves as a training project for future apprentices, allowing them to gain practical experience with modern technologies.

Project Justification

This project provides a practical learning platform for apprentices to engage with AI-based robot control and web and database application development. It aims to enhance operational efficiency by automating internal transports, saving time and resources, and reducing human errors in order management and execution.

Implementation Phases

  1. Requirement Analysis: Detailed gathering of user needs and technical specifications.
  2. System Design: Designing the overall system architecture, including database design and defining interfaces between Docker containers.
  3. Implementation: Coding the application in PHP and setting up the MySQL database.
  4. Testing: Conducting unit, integration, and user tests to ensure functionality and security.
  5. Deployment: Deploying the application on the production system and performing final acceptance tests.
Hardware Components


  • Hardware: Dell laptop, Linux server for development and hosting.
  • Software: Linux 22.04 LTS, Apache web server, PHP, MySQL, Docker, and Docker-Compose.

Economic Analysis

The economic analysis shows that the project can be justified not only by direct financial savings but also by significant strategic benefits in terms of training and technological advancement. Specific data on current transport volumes, employee efficiency, and expected development and operating costs are required for a more detailedanalysis.

Conclusion and Outlook

The project was successfully completed with all goals effectively and efficiently achieved. The application proved to be robust and user-friendly.